Your Next Steps

One of our goals here at Grace Life is to help others learn to live out God’s abundant life. Our Starting Point Classes, Life Groups, and Dream Teams are each designed to help you grow in your walk with God, develop strong relationships and discover your purpose.


One of our goals here at Grace Life is to help you learn to live out God’s abundant life. We believe baptism is an outward sign of an inward change. Sign up below for more information.

Starting Point

Starting Point is our way of connecting people to the vision and help them get planted at Grace Life Church. We have our one and done Starting Point class on the first and third Sundays of every month! Sign up below for more info. 

Life Groups

We offer a variety of groups, held at various times and days of the week so that you can easily find a group that will work best for you in any season of life. Yinz are one relationship away from your breakthrough.


It takes every person doing their part so we can reach our city with the love of God. Whether you are interested in our next generations, parking, greeting, or production and worship there is a place for you. Being a part of a dream team will empower you to walk out your purpose and equip you to serve others.

Join us Sunday.

Grace Life Church meets Sundays at both of our campuses in Monroeville, PA and Pittsburgh, PA. We’re excited to meet you!

East Campus

Sundays 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM

101 Mall Blvd.
Monroeville, PA 15146

North Campus

Sundays 11:00 AM

4555 McKnight Road.
Pittsburgh, PA 15237